Zoom Yoga
ETR Yoga classes, Yoga therapy, 1:1 sessions and retreats are deeply focusing on rebalancing and harmonising BODY, BREATH AND MIND.
Yoga for Teens
When they practise asanas (postures) children will learn about their bodies and how to keep them flexible and healthy. They will start to learn about coordination and carry this over into other areas of their life.
Yoga for Adults
By practicing yoga, you can boost your energy levels, alleviate pain and reduce stress. It also allows you to regulate your breathing and bring balance to your nervous system.
If you are dealing with high level of stress, or anxiety, or a feeling of disconnection and confusion these classes are perfect for you.
Yoga for Teens
ETR Yoga classes, Yoga therapy, 1:1 sessions and retreats are deeply focusing on rebalancing and harmonising body, breath and mind.
You can directly experience the movement from the grosser expression of the Self (the body) to the most subtle expression of the Self (the mind). You will be guided to experience stillness in the movement to reprogram the past experiences and drop into a present moment.